Hey there, fellow gravestone aficionado! If you’ve stumbled upon this blog post, chances are you’re in search of the ultimate solution for cleaning and maintaining grave markers. Well, you’ve come to the right place!

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the age-old debate of commercial vs. natural cleaning solutions, and help you figure out the best way to keep those markers looking spick and span.

So buckle up, and let’s dive into the world of grave marker maintenance!

Types of Grave Markers

Before we can figure out the best cleaning solution, it’s crucial to know what kind of material we’re dealing with. Like a box of chocolates, headstones come in all shapes, sizes, and flavors.

Here’s a rundown of the most common types:

A. Granite Headstones

Ah, granite—tough, durable, and downright beautiful. You’ll find it in many a kitchen countertop and a good chunk of modern grave markers.

Lucky for you, granite is a breeze to maintain!

B. Marble Headstones

Marble is the fancy cousin of granite. Elegant, smooth, and cool to the touch, marble gravestones have a certain je ne sais quoi.

But beware, marble can be delicate and requires a gentle touch.

C. Bronze Monuments

Bronze markers are quite the showstopper with their rich, warm hues. However, bronze is prone to oxidation, which means it’ll need some extra TLC to keep it looking top-notch.

D. Limestone Monuments

Limestone, the underdog of the grave marker world. Soft, porous, and easily damaged by acid rain, getting a limestone headstone clean can be a tightrope walk.

But with the right approach, it can shine like the rest of them.

E. Sandstone Memorials

Sandstone is the soft-spoken sibling in the family. It’s prone to erosion, which means it needs a gentle hand and the right cleaning solution to preserve its beauty.

Commercial Cleaning Solutions

Now that we know the main players in the grave marker game, let’s talk about the options when you clean.

First up, we have commercial cleaning solutions. These bad boys are specially formulated to tackle dirt and grime like nobody’s business.

But are they the bee’s knees, or are they more trouble than they’re worth? Let’s find out!

A. Examples of Popular Commercial Cleaners

When it comes to commercial cleaners, there’s a dizzying array of options out there. From D/2 Biological Solution to Prosoco’s Sure Klean, the choices are endless.

But remember, not all cleaners are created equal, so make sure to do your research and choose one that’s suitable for your specific grave marker material.

B. Benefits of Using Commercial Solutions

  1. Formulated for Specific Materials: Commercial cleaners are like a superhero tailor-made for your grave marker. They’re designed to tackle the unique challenges when you clean specific materials, which means they pack a serious punch.
  2. Easy and Efficient Application: Commercial cleaners often come in convenient spray bottles or easy-to-apply forms, making them a no-brainer for those who want to get the job done quickly and efficiently.
  3. Potentially Faster Cleaning: Because they’re formulated to be super effective, commercial cleaners can often cut through dirt and grime like a hot knife through butter, saving you precious time and elbow grease.

C. Drawbacks of Commercial Solutions

  1. Chemical Exposure Risk: With great power comes great responsibility, and commercial cleaners are no exception. Some can contain harsh chemicals that may irritate your skin or eyes, so be sure to read the label and follow the safety precautions.
  1. Potential Environmental Impact: Although many commercial cleaners claim to be eco-friendly, not all of them live up to the hype. Some can harm the environment, so be sure to choose a product that’s as green as a leprechaun’s wardrobe.
  2. May Damage Delicate Materials: While commercial cleaners can work wonders on some materials, they can be too harsh for others. Always test a small, inconspicuous area before going all in, or you might end up with a gravestone that’s more “distressed chic” than you intended.

Natural Cleaning Solutions

Now, let’s chat about the other side of the coin—natural cleaning solutions. These earth-friendly options can be just as effective as their commercial counterparts, but without the potential downsides.

So, are natural solutions the knight in shining armor we’ve been waiting for? Let’s take a closer look.

A. Examples of Common Natural Cleaners

If you’re looking to clean your grave marker au naturel, there are plenty of options to choose from. Some fan favorites include good old soap and water, white vinegar, and even a simple paste made from baking soda and water.

B. Benefits of Using Natural Solutions

  1. Environmentally Friendly: When it comes to being eco-conscious, natural cleaning solutions take the cake. They’re biodegradable and gentle on the environment, so you can clean with a clear conscience.
  2. Safe for All Materials: Natural cleaners are the jack of all trades when it comes to getting headstones clean. They’re gentle enough for delicate materials like limestone and sandstone, yet effective enough to tackle tougher materials like granite and marble.
  3. Lower Cost: Let’s face it, commercial cleaners can be pricey. Natural solutions, on the other hand, often cost just pennies on the dollar, making them a wallet-friendly choice for those on a budget.

C. Drawbacks of Natural Solutions

  1. May Require More Manual Labor: While natural cleaners can be effective, they might not pack the same punch as commercial cleaners. Be prepared to put in some extra elbow grease to get the job done.
  2. Longer Cleaning Process: Patience is a virtue, especially when it comes to getting headstones clean with natural solutions. They may take a bit longer to work their magic, so be prepared to play the waiting game.
  3. Potentially Less Effective on Stubborn Stains: Sometimes, stubborn stains need a little extra oomph to get rid of them. In these cases, natural solutions might not be up to the task, and a commercial cleaner may be required.

Soap and Water

When in doubt, you can’t go wrong with the tried and true method of soap and water. It’s a classic for a reason! Here’s how to make the most of this humble cleaning duo.

A. Choosing the Right Type of Soap

Not all soaps are created equal when it comes to getting headstones clean. Look for a gentle, pH-neutral soap that won’t harm the material or the environment.

Think baby shampoo, not heavy-duty dish soap.

B. Proper Technique to Clean with Soap and Water

When using soap and water, be sure to follow these simple steps to ensure a squeaky-clean finish:

  1. Wet the gravestone with water, using a spray bottle or a gentle stream from a hose.
  2. Apply the soap solution with a soft-bristle brush, being sure to scrub gently in small, circular motions.
  3. Rinse the stone thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap residue.
  4. Pat the stone dry with a soft, clean cloth to prevent streaks or water spots.

C. When Soap and Water May Not Be Enough

While soap and water can work wonders on most dirt and grime, there may be times when they just don’t cut the mustard (even if you scrub them really good). In cases of heavy buildup, stubborn stains, or significant oxidation, you might need to bring in the big guns—i.e., a commercial or specialty cleaning solution.

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with some other options below!

Specialty Cleaning Tools

Sometimes, it’s not just about the cleaning solution—it’s about the tools you use. Here’s a lineup of grave marker cleaning MVPs that can help you achieve the best results.

A. Soft-Bristle Brushes

When it comes to cleaning gravestones, soft-bristle brushes are the bee’s knees. They’re gentle enough to prevent scratches even if you scrub a but too hard but tough enough to dislodge dirt and grime.

Look for brushes with nylon or natural bristles, and avoid anything with metal parts that could damage the stone while you scrub it.

B. Plastic Scrapers

For those pesky patches of hardened debris on some headstones, a plastic scraper can be a lifesaver. Just be sure to use a gentle touch and avoid digging into the stone’s surface.

C. Microfiber Cloths

Drying markers after you clean them is just as important as the cleaning process itself. A microfiber cloth can help you achieve a streak-free finish without leaving any lint behind.

D. The Importance of Using Gentle Tools

When you clean a memorial, it’s essential to treat the stone like a delicate flower. Using the wrong tools can lead to scratches, chips, or other damage that can mar the beauty of the marker.

Always choose gentle, non-abrasive tools to keep your gravestone looking its best.

Biological Solution

If commercial and natural solutions aren’t doing the trick, there’s another option to consider—biological cleaners. These unique products harness the power of Mother Nature to keep your grave marker looking pristine.

A. Enzymatic Cleaners

Enzymatic cleaners contain enzymes that break down organic matter, making them especially effective at removing mold, mildew, and algae. They’re a fantastic option for those looking for an eco-friendly alternative to harsh chemicals.

B. When to Use Biological Cleaners

Biological cleaners are ideal for situations where organic growth is the main issue, such as in damp or shaded areas. They’re also great for materials that are more susceptible to damage from harsh chemicals, like limestone and sandstone.

C. Pros and Cons of Using Biological Cleaners


  1. Environmentally friendly: Biological cleaners are a green choice that won’t harm the environment.
  2. Effective against organic growth: They’re excellent at tackling mold, mildew, and algae.
  3. Gentle on delicate materials: They’re safe for use on all types of headstones, including softer stones.


  1. May require longer treatment time: Enzymatic cleaners may take longer to work than other solutions.
  2. Not effective against non-organic stains: They won’t remove mineral deposits or other non-organic stains.
  3. Can be more expensive than other options: Some enzymatic cleaners can be pricier than other cleaning solutions.

Preventative Maintenance

As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. When it comes to headstones, a little preventative maintenance can go a long way in keeping them looking their best.

A. Regular Cleaning Schedules

Establishing a regular schedule to clean your memorial can help prevent dirt and debris from building up and causing damage. Aim to clean the marker at least once or twice a year, or more frequently if it’s located in a particularly dirty or damp environment.

B. Protective Treatments for Various Materials

Consider applying a protective treatment to your grave marker to help keep it looking pristine for longer. Depending on the material, you can use sealants, waxes, or specialized coatings designed to protect the stone from the elements and make future cleaning easier.

C. Monitoring for Signs of Deterioration

Keep an eye on your memorial for any signs of damage, wear, or deterioration. Regular inspections can help you catch potential problems early and address them before they become more significant issues.

Professional Grave Marker Cleaning Services

If getting your grave marker clean feels like a Herculean task, or you’re dealing with a particularly stubborn stain, it might be time to call in the pros.

Professional cleaning services have the experience, knowledge, and tools necessary to tackle even the toughest cleaning challenges.

A. When to Hire a Professional

Consider hiring a professional cleaning service if:

  1. Your monument is made of a delicate material that requires special care.
  2. You’re dealing with heavy staining or buildup that you can’t remove yourself.
  3. You want to apply a protective treatment but aren’t sure how to do it properly.

B. How Professionals Approach Cleaning

Professional grave marker cleaners have the expertise to choose the right cleaning solution and technique for your specific marker.

They’ll assess the material and condition of the stone, and then tailor their approach to ensure the best possible results while preserving the integrity of the marker.

C. Tips for Choosing the Right Service Provider

When hiring a professional cleaner, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Look for a company with experience in monument cleaning, as this is a specialized field.
  2. Check for references and reviews from past clients to ensure you’re choosing a reputable provider.
  3. Ask about their cleaning methods and the products they use, especially if you’re concerned about the environmental impact.


Cleaning a monument may seem like a daunting task, but armed with the right knowledge and tools, you’ll have that stone shining like a diamond in no time. Just remember to balance effectiveness, safety, and environmental concerns when choosing a cleaning solution, and treat your grave marker with the respect and care it deserves.

Whether you opt for commercial cleaners, natural solutions, or enlist the help of a professional, your marker will be a testament to your love and dedication for generations to come.

Happy cleaning!

Joshua R