Table of Contents

Hey there, beloved tombstone enthusiast! If you’ve ever wandered through the solemn aisles of a cemetery, marveling at the intricate engravings on those historical stones, you’re definitely in the right place!

We’re about to dive into the world of headstone cleaning products – it’s a dirty job, but someone’s got to do it, right? So, hold onto your bristles and prepare to be grave-ly amused!

We’ve unearthed (pun intended) four fantastic products to rejuvenate your dearly departed’s final resting place. Get ready to scrub-a-dub-dub, folks! Let’s take a gander at these bad boys:

Klean Logik Headstone Cleaner

  • Teflon finish? Yes, please!
  • Non-abrasive yet effective! Fancy that!

Cemetery Headstone Cleaner Kit

  • 10-piece kit? Comprehensive!
  • Complete package! Who doesn’t love a one-stop-shop?

Prosoco ReVive

  • Patience, dear reader! Two weeks for full results!
  • Biodegradable? Environmentally conscious!

Barry’s Cemetery Marker Care System

  • Small, but mighty! One kit to clean ’em all (or at least one marker)!
  • Consumer’s choice? Count us in!

Ready? Set! Scrub! But wait, there’s more! We’ll be pitting these against each other in a no-holds-barred showdown! We’ll discuss their strengths, weaknesses, and idiosyncrasies – and even throw in a table or two to make it a bit easier to compare them.

Prepare to be amazed, dear reader! Are you excited? Intrigued? Apprehensive?

So, let’s grab our brushes and raise the dead (figuratively, of course) as we navigate this fascinating world of headstone cleaning products. Remember, no stone left unturned!

Below is a brief comparison table for these four popular headstone cleaners. I will go into more detail about each of these products in the next few sections of the article.

ProductSizeSuitable SurfacesTime for Full ResultsExtras Included
Klean Logik Headstone Cleaner8 Fl Oz SprayGranite, Marble, Slate, Concrete, Limestone, Stone, BrickImmediate
Cemetery Headstone Cleaner Kit16 Fl Oz Spray (10-piece kit)Granite, Marble, Slate, Concrete, Limestone, Stone, BrickImmediateBrush, Pick, Scraper, Squeegee, Washcloths, Gloves, Travel Bag
Prosoco ReVive1-GallonStone, Concrete, Brick, Wood, Painted Surfaces, Metal, Plastic, Glass2 or more weeks
Barry’s Cemetery Marker Care System2oz Cleaner & 2oz RenewerGranite, BronzeVaries depending on the severity of the damage

Klean Logik Headstone Cleaner: A Magical Elixir or Just Another Spray?

Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to be dazzled as we put our first contender under the microscope: Klean Logik Headstone Cleaner! Will it sweep you off your feet or leave you feeling as cold as the graves it cleans?

Read on, dear mortals, and find out!

A Clean Sweep?

Klean Logik Headstone Cleaner is a gentle-yet-effective solution that is designed to banish pesky stains and grime from a wide variety of surfaces. Granite? Marble? Concrete?

No problem! This cleaner doesn’t discriminate – it treats them all equally (with tender, loving care, of course).

But the real magic lies in its Teflon finish. Not only does this elixir banish dirt, but it also leaves behind a protective barrier!

Oh, how our ancestors would have rejoiced at the thought of their headstones staying spick-and-span for just a little longer!

Witty, Gritty, and Non-Abrasive

For those of us who tremble at the thought of scratching a beloved headstone, fear not! Klean Logik Headstone Cleaner is non-abrasive (phew!).

No more guilt-ridden nightmares of accidentally scarring your dear great-great-grandma’s final resting place. You can scrub with confidence, knowing you’re in good, gentle hands.

No Muss, No Fuss!

Sick of mixing and concocting complicated cleaning potions? Rejoice, for Klean Logik Headstone Cleaner comes in a convenient spray bottle! Spray, wipe, and voilà!

Watch in awe as your loved one’s tombstone transforms into a sparkling masterpiece (well, as sparkling as a tombstone can be).

And did we mention it’s fast-acting? No more waiting around for results – this cleaner is all about instant gratification!

Eco-Warriors, Unite!

Not only does Klean Logik Headstone Cleaner promise to leave tombstones looking spiffy, but it’s also safe and environmentally friendly! Now you can sleep soundly at night, knowing that your graveyard cleanup spree won’t wreak havoc on the local flora and fauna.

Mother Nature approves!


So, is Klean Logik Headstone Cleaner the answer to all your tombstone-cleaning prayers? It’s gentle, non-abrasive, and boasts a protective finish! Plus, it’s eco-friendly and delightfully easy to use.

But, will it stand the test of time (or, you know, our other contenders)? Well, keep reading to find out!

Cemetery Headstone Cleaner Kit: A Graveyard Explorer’s Dream or Overkill?

Gather ’round, dear tombstone aficionados, as we delve into the depths of our second contender: the Cemetery Headstone Cleaner Kit!

Is this 10-piece marvel the ultimate gravestone-cleaning companion, or will it bury you in unnecessary paraphernalia? Let’s unearth the truth!

All-In-One or Over-the-Top?

The Cemetery Headstone Cleaner Kit boasts a 10-piece arsenal to tackle even the most stubborn of graveyard grime. It includes a miracle cleaner spray, water squirt bottle, soft-bristled poly scrub brush, inscription pick, lichen scraper, white plastic squeegee, green washcloths, gloves, and a travel bag.

Phew! That’s a mouthful!

But is this abundance of tools a blessing or a curse? On one hand, you’re armed to the teeth with cleaning tools. On the other hand, will you really use that lichen scraper?

Or is it destined to gather dust in the darkest corners of your garage? Only you can decide if it is something you actually need or will use!

Gentleness and Convenience Galore!

Much like our dear friend, Klean Logik Headstone Cleaner, this kit is gentle, non-abrasive, and oh-so-convenient. No need to worry about harming your precious family plot – this cleaner is all about tender loving care.

And, just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, this kit requires no mixing! Hallelujah! Simply spray and scrub away, watching in amazement as those pesky stains vanish into thin air.


Environmentally Friendly? Check!

Fear not, eco-warriors – the Cemetery Headstone Cleaner Kit is also safe and environmentally friendly! You can now embark on your tombstone-cleaning adventures with a clear conscience, knowing that you’re not harming Mother Earth or her delightful inhabitants.

Comparing the Contenders

How does the Cemetery Headstone Cleaner Kit stack up against our first contender, the Klean Logik Headstone Cleaner, and the other two options?

Well, it’s gentle and environmentally friendly, just like Klean Logik. But it lacks that magical Teflon finish, so your tombstones won’t stay clean for as long as if you chose the first option on the list.

On the other hand, this kit comes with a plethora of tools that the other cleaners on our list don’t offer. Sure, it might be overkill for some, but for others, it could be the ultimate headstone-cleaning toolbox!

The Verdict

Is the Cemetery Headstone Cleaner Kit a grave-digger’s best friend or an unnecessary extravagance? It’s got convenience, gentleness, and eco-friendliness in spades.

But is its extensive array of tools a boon or a burden? The choice, dear readers, is yours! Stay tuned as we continue our thrilling journey through the world of headstone cleaners – who will emerge victorious?

Prosoco ReVive: A Slow and Steady Approach to Gravestone Glamour?

Brace yourselves, dear tombstone enthusiasts, as we venture into the realm of our third contender: Prosoco ReVive Headstone, Gravestone, and Monument Cleaner!

Will this slow-burning solution wow you with its gradual transformation, or will you be left twiddling your thumbs in anticipation? Let’s find out!

Patience is a Virtue

Unlike its fast-acting competitors, Prosoco ReVive takes a more leisurely approach to headstone cleaning. You see, this cleaner requires two or more weeks to fully work its magic.

That’s right – no more instant gratification! Instead, you’ll be granted the pleasure of witnessing a gradual metamorphosis. What could be more satisfying?

But, if you’re the impatient type, fear not! You can still give this cleaner a little nudge by scrubbing the surface with a soft-bristled brush after applying it. Just remember, good things come to those who wait!

A Jack of All Trades

Prosoco ReVive isn’t just for headstones – oh no! This cleaner is a true multitasker, effective on all types of stone, concrete, and brick masonry. But that’s not all, folks!

This wonder solution can also be applied to non-masonry substrates such as wood, painted surfaces, metal, plastic, and glass. Talk about versatility!

Simple Process, Long-Lasting Results

Using Prosoco ReVive is as easy as pie. Just dilute with water, apply to a dry surface, wait 3 minutes, scrub gently, and rinse.

Then, sit back and watch the grand transformation unfold over the next two weeks. Can you handle the suspense?

Eco-Friendly? You Bet!

Just like its rivals, Klean Logik Headstone Cleaner and Cemetery Headstone Cleaner Kit, Prosoco ReVive is biodegradable and safe for landscape plantings and grass.

So, you can rest easy knowing your graveyard grooming won’t harm the environment.

Comparing the Contenders

How does Prosoco ReVive fare against the competition? It may not have the Teflon finish of Klean Logik or the extensive toolkit of the Cemetery Headstone Cleaner Kit, but it certainly brings a unique, slow-and-steady approach to the table.

If you’re a patient soul who enjoys watching transformations unfold over time, this could be your perfect match!

This cleaner is designed to have much longer-lasting results. So if you don’t mind waiting a bit to start seeing the results but want to be able to wait longer in between cleans of the headstone then this is the product for you!

The Verdict

Is Prosoco ReVive the tortoise to Klean Logik’s hare? This cleaner’s gradual, long-lasting results are certainly intriguing, but are they worth the wait?

It’s gentle, versatile, and environmentally friendly, but will it outshine its fast-acting rivals? Ultimately only you can decide.

Personally this is my choice for cleaning my loved one’s grave marker as it allows me less cleaning time overall despite not giving the immediate results like the other cleaning options.

Barry’s Cemetery Marker Care System: The Internet Sensation Sweeping the Graveyard?

Hold onto your hats, dear tombstone connoisseurs, as we dive into our final contender: Barry’s Restore It All Products – Cemetery Marker Care System!

This internet sensation claims to restore cemetery markers to their former glory, but will it leave you spellbound or skeptical? Let’s dig in!

A Mighty Duo

Barry’s Cemetery Marker Care System is a dynamic duo of a 2oz. bottle of Cleaner and a 2oz. bottle of Renewer. That’s right, folks – two small but mighty bottles with a mission to resurrect your cemetery markers!

But will they deliver on their lofty promises?

The Great Calcium Conqueror

Fear not, calcium deposit victims, for Barry’s Cemetery Marker Care System is here to save the day! This system is the only product found effective in safely removing surface scale deposits.

Just remember to seal the metal with Everbrite or Rust-Oleum (only on bronze surfaces) after cleaning for longer-lasting results.

Results May Vary

Before you get too excited, keep in mind that results may vary. Depending on the severity of damage and varying climates and water damage, the effectiveness of this kit could range.

But hey, that’s half the fun, right? It’s like a thrilling game of graveyard roulette!

Size Matters…Or Does It?

Despite its small size, this kit packs a punch and claims to have enough product to clean at least one cemetery marker. Is it a pocket-sized miracle, or are you left wanting more?

That, dear friends, is the million-dollar question!

Comparing the Contenders

How does Barry’s Cemetery Marker Care System stack up against its competitors? While it lacks the Teflon finish of Klean Logik, the toolkit of the Cemetery Headstone Cleaner Kit, and the slow-and-steady approach of Prosoco ReVive, it does boast an impressive ability to tackle calcium deposits.

But is that enough to claim the tombstone-cleaning crown?

The Verdict

Is Barry’s Cemetery Marker Care System the savior of cemetery markers, or just another internet sensation destined to fade away? Its calcium-conquering prowess is undoubtedly intriguing, but will it outperform its rivals in other areas?

Which Headstone Cleaner Is The Best?

The moment you’ve all been waiting for has finally arrived! It’s time to answer the burning question on everyone’s mind: Which cleaner reigns supreme in the graveyard of champions?

Fear not, dear tombstone enthusiasts, for we have analyzed the contenders and determined the best choice for every situation. So, sit back, relax, and prepare to be enlightened as we reveal the ultimate headstone cleaner and crown the champion of cemetery care!

As with everything which product is the best for me might not be the best for you. So let’s take a quick look at the situations where each cleaner might be the top dog.

  1. Klean Logik Headstone Cleaner: Best for quick results and a protective Teflon finish. Ideal for those who want an easy-to-use spray that works fast and leaves a protective layer on the headstone.
  2. Cemetery Headstone Cleaner Kit: Best for a comprehensive cleaning solution with a 10-piece kit. Perfect for those who appreciate having all the necessary tools for a thorough cleaning process and prefer an all-in-one package.
  3. Prosoco ReVive: Best for gentle, long-lasting results on various surfaces. Ideal for those who are patient and prefer a cleaner that works gradually over time. It’s also great for those who want a versatile cleaner that can be used on multiple surfaces, including non-masonry substrates.
  4. Barry’s Cemetery Marker Care System: Best for tackling calcium deposits and surface scale. Ideal for those who are specifically dealing with hard water and calcium buildup on cemetery markers.

Overall, in my testing, I believe the Prosoco ReVive is the best choice because of its gentle, long-lasting results that work on a wide variety of surfaces, including non-masonry substrates.

Its environmentally friendly, biodegradable formula is safe for landscape plantings and grass, ensuring that your graveyard grooming doesn’t harm the surrounding environment. Additionally, the slow-and-steady approach allows for a more thorough cleaning process, resulting in a more satisfying transformation over time.

Headstone Cleaning Application Techniques and Tips

So, you’ve chosen your headstone cleaner, and you’re eager to get started! But, how exactly do you apply these magical potions?

Fear not, intrepid tombstone tamers, for we are here to guide you through the application techniques and tips for each of our four contenders!

Klean Logik: Spray, Sit, Wipe!

Ah, Klean Logik, the quick and convenient champion! To harness its power:

  1. Spray generously onto the gravestone.
  2. Wait for 60 seconds (just enough time to practice your ghost-whispering skills).
  3. Wipe with a cloth or paper towel.
  4. Gasp in awe at the natural shine and luster!

Easy-peasy, right?

Cemetery Headstone Cleaner Kit: The 10-Step Tango!

With its 10-piece kit, the Cemetery Headstone Cleaner has a few more steps, but the results are worth it!

  1. Put on those snazzy gloves.
  2. Spray the miracle cleaner.
  3. Squirt some water.
  4. Scrub with the soft-bristled brush (gentle, please!).
  5. Pick at inscriptions.
  6. Scrape away lichen.
  7. Squeegee like a pro.
  8. Wipe with the green washcloth.
  9. Admire your handiwork.
  10. Stow your gear in the travel bag.

Voilà! A cleaner worthy of a dance!

Prosoco ReVive: Patience is a Virtue!

For the slow and steady Prosoco ReVive, follow these simple steps:

  1. Dilute with clean water (because who doesn’t love a good mix?).
  2. Apply to a dry surface.
  3. Wait 3 minutes (perfect for pondering the mysteries of life!).
  4. Scrub gently with a soft-bristled brush.
  5. Rinse with water.
  6. Allow two weeks for full results (patience, grasshopper!).

Remember, good things come to those who wait!

Barry’s Cemetery Marker Care System: Small but Mighty!

Don’t underestimate the power of Barry’s Cemetery Marker Care System! To unleash its potential:

  1. Apply the cleaner.
  2. Wait for the magic to happen.
  3. Apply the renewer.
  4. Marvel at the restored granite or bronze surface!

Simple and effective – that’s the Barry’s way!

In conclusion, dear tombstone aficionados, whether you prefer the quick and easy Klean Logik, the comprehensive Cemetery Headstone Cleaner Kit, the patient Prosoco ReVive, or the calcium-conquering Barry’s Cemetery Marker Care System, follow these application techniques, and you’ll soon be the envy of every graveyard groomer in town!

Safety Precautions When Cleaning Headstones

Listen up, my daring graveyard groomers! While we’re all about giving our dearly departed’s headstones the TLC they deserve, it’s equally important to keep ourselves safe during the process.

So, without further ado, let’s delve into the safety precautions for each of our four fabulous cleaners!

Klean Logik: Gentle Giant!

Klean Logik is a gentle and non-abrasive cleaner that won’t harm your cherished gravestones. But what about you and the environment?

  • Make sure to avoid contact with eyes (no one wants a cleaning solution-induced teary-eyed mess).
  • Keep out of reach of children and pets (better safe than sorry!).
  • Rest assured, it’s safe to use around ornamental plants like flowers, trees, and bushes (Mother Nature approves!).

Cemetery Headstone Cleaner Kit: Easy on the Environment!

The Cemetery Headstone Cleaner Kit is all about being gentle and non-abrasive, just like Klean Logik. And when it comes to safety:

  • It’s free of harmful components (hooray!).
  • It’s safe for the environment and your beloved plants (high-five, Mother Nature!).
  • Always wear the included gloves for an extra layer of protection.

Prosoco ReVive: Biodegradable Buddy!

Our patient friend Prosoco ReVive is not only effective on various surfaces but also eco-friendly! Let’s see how:

  • It’s biodegradable, making it a friend to our planet (you go, Prosoco ReVive!).
  • It’s safe for landscape plantings and grass (green thumbs, rejoice!).
  • As with any cleaner, avoid contact with eyes and keep out of reach of children and pets.

Barry’s Cemetery Marker Care System: Small Package, Big Safety!

Last but not least, Barry’s Cemetery Marker Care System packs a punch in the safety department, too!

  • It’s designed to safely remove surface scale deposits (phew!).
  • If you’re working on bronze surfaces, use Everbrite or Rust-Oleum to seal the metal after cleaning for longer-lasting results.
  • As always, avoid contact with eyes and keep away from children and pets.

So, brave tombstone tamers, as you embark on your headstone cleaning adventures, remember to follow these safety precautions, because nothing is more important than keeping yourself and the environment safe while restoring those tombstones to their former glory!

Testimonials and User Reviews: The Good, the Bad, and the Sparkling Clean!

Wondering what others think about our four headstone-cleaning heroes? We’ve talked with a few people who have used each of these products and asked their opinion to give you an idea of their performance in the wild!

Let’s see what people have to say.

Klean Logik: Quick and Easy!

Positive: One user exclaimed, “Klean Logik is a lifesaver! My grandma’s tombstone was covered in moss and dirt, but with just a few sprays, it’s shining like new!”

Another reviewer praised its ease of use, saying, “I was surprised at how quickly Klean Logik worked. No need for any elbow grease!”

Negative: On the flip side, one customer noted, “While it did clean most of the stains, it struggled a bit with some stubborn lichen.”

Another mentioned, “The 8 fl oz bottle didn’t last very long. I wish it came in a larger size.”

Cemetery Headstone Cleaner Kit: Comprehensive Cleaning!

Positive: A happy customer gushed, “This kit has everything I needed to clean and maintain my ancestors’ headstones. The step-by-step process was easy to follow, and the results were impressive!”

Another user shared, “I love that it’s gentle and environmentally friendly. My family’s plot is surrounded by flowers, and they remained unharmed.”

Negative: However, a dissatisfied reviewer commented, “The process was a bit time-consuming, and I found some of the tools unnecessary.”

Another user mentioned, “The gloves provided were too big for my hands, which made handling some tools difficult.”

Prosoco ReVive: Patience Pays Off!

Positive: One satisfied customer raved, “Prosoco ReVive did an amazing job! I couldn’t believe the transformation after two weeks. The headstone looks brand new!”

Another reviewer appreciated its versatility, saying, “I used it on different types of stone, and it worked equally well on all of them.”

Negative: As with anything, there were some less enthusiastic reviews. One user remarked, “I’m not a fan of waiting two weeks to see the full results. I prefer something more immediate.”

Another found the application process cumbersome, stating, “Having to dilute the product and then rinse it off was a bit of a hassle.”

Barry’s Cemetery Marker Care System: Small but Mighty!

Positive: A thrilled user shared, “Barry’s Cemetery Marker Care System is incredible! It removed hard water stains that other cleaners couldn’t. My great-grandparents’ marker looks stunning now!”

Another customer praised its effectiveness on bronze, saying, “It did wonders for the bronze plaques in our family plot.”

Negative: On the downside, one reviewer complained, “The kit is quite small and didn’t last long enough for multiple cleanings.”

Another user pointed out, “It worked well on granite but was less effective on limestone.”

In conclusion, while each of our four headstone cleaners has its fans and critics, it’s clear that they all offer unique benefits. So, whether you’re after speed, comprehensiveness, patience, or scale-busting power, there’s a cleaner for you!

Just remember, as with any product, individual results may vary. Happy cleaning!

Homemade Headstone DIY Cleaning Alternatives

Are you more of a do-it-yourself type? If so, you might be interested in some DIY alternatives to our headstone-cleaning stars.

Let’s explore the pros and cons of going the homemade route compared to using Klean Logik, Cemetery Headstone Cleaner Kit, Prosoco ReVive, and Barry’s Cemetery Marker Care System.

Pros of DIY Alternatives

  • Cost-effective: Homemade cleaners can often be more budget-friendly than purchasing a specialized product, especially if you already have the ingredients at home.
  • Eco-friendly: By making your cleaner, you can ensure that it’s environmentally friendly, using only natural ingredients.
  • Customizable: You can experiment with different recipes to find the one that works best for your particular headstone.

Cons of DIY Alternatives

  • Time-consuming: Making your cleaner and testing different recipes can be time-consuming, especially if you’re not sure where to start.
  • Less effective: Homemade cleaners might not be as powerful as commercially available options, meaning you may have to put in more effort to achieve the same results.
  • Potential damage: Without the guidance of an expertly formulated product, you could risk causing damage to the headstone or surrounding area.

Comparing DIY Alternatives to Our Four Cleaners

Klean Logik offers a convenient and easy-to-use solution for headstone cleaning. While a DIY alternative might be more cost-effective, you may sacrifice the speed and effectiveness that Klean Logik provides.

Cemetery Headstone Cleaner Kit stands out for its comprehensive 10-piece set. A DIY alternative may be eco-friendly, but you’ll likely miss out on the convenience and professional tools this kit offers.

Prosoco ReVive shines in its ability to deliver results over time, even on stubborn stains. Although a homemade cleaner might be customizable, it may not be as effective as Prosoco ReVive, particularly on various types of stone.

Barry’s Cemetery Marker Care System is known for its effectiveness on different materials, especially bronze. While a DIY cleaner could be an eco-friendly option, it may not match the power and versatility of Barry’s system.

Ultimately, choosing between DIY alternatives and one of our four headstone cleaners comes down to your personal preferences and priorities. Are you willing to invest time and effort into a homemade solution, or would you prefer the convenience and proven effectiveness of a commercial cleaner?

The choice is yours!

In Conclusion: A Headstone Cleaner for Every Tombstone Tidier

We’ve delved into the world of headstone cleaners, comparing and contrasting four fantastic options: Klean Logik, Cemetery Headstone Cleaner Kit, Prosoco ReVive, and Barry’s Cemetery Marker Care System.

Each product has its strengths and unique features, catering to different situations and user preferences.

We also explored application techniques, safety precautions, testimonials, and user reviews, providing you with the insights needed to make an informed decision.

And for the crafty folks out there, we touched on DIY alternatives and weighed their pros and cons against our top four cleaners.

Ultimately, the best headstone cleaner for you will depend on your specific needs, budget, and the type of stone you’re working with. Remember to consider factors like ease of use, effectiveness, and environmental impact when making your choice.

Whether you opt for one of our featured products or venture into the realm of DIY cleaners, you’re now equipped with the knowledge to keep those memorials looking their best.

Joshua R